Cross Ice

DYHA supports USA Hockey's ADM model promoting age specific training in small areas. Cross Ice Hockey is a proven way to focus on individual skill development.


What aged players are appropriate for this program?

Answer: Appropriate players at least 4 years old who have completed at least one year of Beginners level hockey.


What time of the year does this program run?

Answer: Season begins in August and runs until February.


Where are practices and games typically held?

Answer: Games will be held at the First National Bank Arena located in the Decatur Civic Center.


When are practices and how often are they?

Answer: Teams practice 2-3 times per week.


How many games will they play? What days of the week?

Answer: Teams will play 15-20 games over the course of the season and will usually fall on the weekends.


Are jerseys provided or are they purchased separately?

Answer: Club jerseys are required and may be purchased at registration.

Extra Costs

What costs beyond registration fees should be expected?

Answers: Expect team managers to collect funds to cover Jamboree entry fees.

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